
Tendons are found all over the body and while you may know a little about them, you might be surprised to learn a few of these facts.
Have you ever woken up with an inexplicably stiff and painful neck that will only turn to one side? You might have been suffering from acute wry neck, a painful condition following a typical pattern of symptoms. In the clinic, wry neck is classified as one of two different types – Facet or Discogenic wry neck. These have similar presentations, yet are caused by slightly different things and require different treatment.

Sever’s disease is a condition that causes pain in the heel of children and adolescents. While it can be quite...

Keeping your balance is a complicated process. Although you might not realize it, your body is constantly making calculations and tiny postural readjustments to stay upright.

A stress fracture is a microscopic fracture of the bone that is so small that it often cannot be picked...

Most of us start the New Year with some ideas of how we will change our lives for the better. Here are some tips for a better lifestyle and healthier outlook for the coming year.

Health and wellness are terms that are often used interchangeably and both are important in physiotherapy. While the terms are...

The knees take a lot of impact when doing medium- or high-impact activities such as running, jumping, hill-walking and playing...

Started a new exercise regime lately and noticed your balance isn’t quite up to scratch. Chances are, you need to dial things back a little and return to the basics. Balance is an important part of fitness and improving your balance can dramatically improve your performance.

If you suffer from chronic headaches or migraines, then Geoff Ford will be able to assess you in a specific...