
Technology has changed our lives dramatically, and while it has made many difficult tasks much easier, it’s also made it much easier to be lazy. Here we identify a few key moments where you can sneak some exercise into your daily routine.
For many of us, a typical day can involve hours of sitting in front of a desk. When you have a seemingly never-ending list of tasks to complete, your long-term health can be the last thing on your mind. However, we know that prolonged sitting, especially in a poorly set-up workspace can have a huge impact on your body in the long term. Below are some tips that can help you set up your workstation properly...
Most older people are well aware that they need regular aerobic exercise, such as walking, swimming, or running, to strengthen their heart and lungs and tone their bodies, but many dismiss resistance training as an activity predominantly for the young. However, it is an extremely important type of exercise for substantially slowing, and even reversing, the declines in muscle mass, bone density, and strength which were once considered inevitable consequences of ageing.
An interesting fact is that the default in modern society has become ‘to be seated’. Almost everything we do can now be done from a seated position. We go from lying in our beds in the morning... to sitting in the chair for breakfast... to driving in our car (sitting) to work... to sitting in the office at work all day... apart from when we move to sit somewhere for morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea... and so on throughout the day until we are lying down again at night. For the purposes of improving your health outcome, it is strongly recommended that the default needs to be out of your chair, up and moving.
By considering the health of your spine to be a ‘barometer of your overall musculoskeletal health’, you can quite accurately predict your future musculoskeletal health prospects, providing there are no chronic organic conditions impacting on your health.

No time to exercise? Here’s a 20-minute workout.
Most of us take bladder and bowel control for granted - until something goes wrong. The unintended leakage of urine or faeces, significant enough to make it difficult to maintain good hygiene and carry on with our ordinary social and work lives, affects a large number of older adults and it often goes untreated due to the embarrassment issue and a lack of understanding of the fact that it may well be treatable.
Sore following vigorous exercise or playing sport? It is recommended that you do some light activity like a walk or swim when you experience muscle soreness.
For many patients, deciding to have surgery following an injury can be incredibly difficult. The thought of surgery can be daunting, yet ensuring the best outcome for their injury is also important. Here we take the time to weigh up a few of the factors that might influence this decision.

Frozen Shoulder s a condition that affects the shoulder joint with no apparent cause. It is characterised by severe pain...

For someone suffering from pain, to be told “It’s all in your head” can be a frustrating experience. What many people don’t understand is that pain is a complex process and the mind plays a role in the perception of pain for everyone.
WHAT IS A HIGH ANKLE SPRAIN? The ankle consists of three bones, the tibia, fibula and talus, all held together by thick fibrous ligaments. At the bottom of the leg they form a mortise or hinge joint with the foot. The bottom parts of the tibia and fibula join together and surround the talus in such a way that it is able to hinge forwards and back while providing stability and restricting the side-to-side movements.
Many people use the term Chronic to convey just how excruciating a pain is. However, what the term really means is simply that the pain has been there for longer than three months, even if it’s not very bad. The distinction is made after three months because most injuries to tissues, either muscle, bone or joint has had a chance to heal and resolve by this time.
When icing an injury it is important to cool the injured area, not freeze it. Place some ice or frozen food in a wet towel and apply to the area for 10 minutes.
The verdict is out and it’s not good news. Sitting for long periods of time is terrible for your health.
ARE GROWING PAINS A REAL THING? The short answer is that yes, growing pains are real and usually harmless part of childhood. Though poorly understood, they are recognized as a common phenomenon occurring most often between the ages of 3 and 12. The pain is commonly felt in both legs, particularly at night with no clear cause of pain. As yet no one is able to explain why they happen but growing pains are thought to be a normal response of a growing body as it adapts to new heights, sizes, strengths and skills.
Need some inspiration for a worthwhile New Year’s Resolution that you might actually keep? Here are a few recommended resolutions that will act as investments in both your short and long term health.