If you’re experiencing shoulder pain when reaching overhead, sleeping on your side, or lifting the grocery bags onto the kitchen bench, it could be time to visit a qualified physio.
Below, we talk about potential causes of shoulder pain, and how physio can help to manage your condition.
What is the Rotator Cuff?
At Inline Physio, we see plenty of shoulder problems – most of which are related to the Rotator Cuff muscles.
Have you heard of the Rotator Cuff? (Some of our patients like to call it, the “Rotor Cuff” 😉) But what is it exactly?
The Rotator cuff is a group of 4 muscles:
- Supraspinatus (most commonly injured)
- Infraspinatus
- Subscapularis
- Teres Minor
These four muscles work against the forces of the bigger “mover” muscles to stabilise the “ball” (head of the humerus) in the centre of the socket. For example, when you lift a weight over your head, the rotator cuff muscles pull the humerus down helping to avoid excessive upward translation of the shoulder joint.
If your rotator cuff muscles are weak or not switching on at the right time, this can lead to “impingement syndrome”.
What is Shoulder Impingement Syndrome?
Shoulder Impingement Syndrome is a condition where various soft tissue structures such as “bursa” (fluid filled sacs that help tendons move), and/or rotator cuff tendons get intermittently trapped and irritated during shoulder elevation movements.
This condition can be very painful and persisting shoulder impingement can possibly lead to other shoulder conditions such as rotator cuff tendon tears.
Who is likely to experience Shoulder Impingement?
Shoulder Impingement can be common for people with occupations that require a lot of overhead lifting or work above shoulder height. It is also common for people who engage in sports that require repeated overhead movements such as tennis, swimming or throwing a ball.
On the other end of the spectrum, people who are sedentary or have desk jobs are also susceptible to shoulder impingement. This is due to their tendency to sit with rounded shoulders and the development of rotator cuff weakness.
Physio for Shoulder Pain
Okay, so what can you do about your shoulder pain?
A graduated rotator cuff loading program guided by a Physiotherapist is the most effective way to manage shoulder pain. Recent studies have even shown that adequate shoulder exercise programs are just as effective as surgery!
When you see us at Inline Physio, we will assess you to determine the cause and severity of your shoulder pain and develop a personalised treatment plan for you.
The treatment for these types of shoulder conditions typically consists of correcting any imbalances (such as stiffness, weakness, or tightness) around the shoulder.
This may include:
- Specific hands-on techniques to improve the mechanics of the shoulder joints, improve mobility of the spine and relieve your pain
- Strapping of your shoulder in the acute phase for pain relief and to aid in correcting your shoulder mechanics
- A personalised, progressive exercise program to target your specific issues found during your physical assessment
So, if you or someone you care about is experiencing shoulder pain, come and talk to us and find out what we can do for you today.
Have a question? Pop it in the contact us box and we’ll reply shortly. Alternatively, you can contact your closest clinic in Brisbane to make an appointment.